
Harold A. Kuskin

Harold A. Kuskin

Class: 1957Inducted: 2007

Judge Harold A. Kuskin, known as "Ha", grew up in Wanamassa and graduated from the Wanamassa Grammar School. At APHS, he participated in a variety of activities, including theatrical events, the orchestra, Student Variety Show, student government, and baseball. He served as Treasurer of his Senior class. He was a national merit scholarship finalist.

Hal graduated from Harvard College in 1961 and from Harvard Law School in 1964. He practices law with three distinguished New Jersey law firms and became known for his expertise in property tax cases and in commercial real estate transactions. Hal became a Tax Court Judge in 1995. In 2004 he was honored as the judge of the Year by the National Conference of State Tax Judges.

Hal has participated actively in many community organizations. He served as Trustee of the New Philharmonic of New jersey, Trustee of the Morris County Performing Arts Center, President of the Boston University Tanglewood Institute Development Board, Trustee and President of Congregation B''nai Israel, Rumson, and President of the Monmouth County Arts Council.

Hal''s interests are as varied as his activities. He has climbed to the peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro. He has visited Antarctica twice. He has conducted the Boston Pops Orchestra in a performance of "Stars and Stripes Forever". He has built several musical instruments (a clavichord and two harpsichords). He serves as backstage tour guide at the Metropolitan Opera House, and has developed and presented programs about opera at the Bernardsville Public Library.

Hal is married to Joan levy (APHS Class of ''55). They are the parents of three children and grandparents of five. Hal believes that you should "never stop exploring new ideas, experiences and interests, and live life with passion".